30th October 2017 11:57am
Scrap student loan interest and extend payback time - review
Payback time should also be extended to help avoid a future debt crisis, says the UK 2020 report.
30th October 2017 03:53am
The Americans who can't read
The US has more citizens who are illiterate than many of its developed counterparts. Why is that?
30th October 2017 01:45am
'I'm scared of my own autistic child'
Parents struggling to cope with their violent autistic children say they are not being supported.
27th October 2017 11:12pm
Pools and sports halls 'could be forced to close'
Pools and sports halls across England are at risk as council budget cuts bite, say town hall bosses.
27th October 2017 07:15am
The hopes and fears of young people facing life-limiting conditions
A pioneering new project helps young people with life-limiting conditions to express their opinions.
27th October 2017 12:04am
University admissions: The art of the personal statement
UCAS and Which? University's tips on how to convince admissions tutors to offer you a place.
26th October 2017 05:57pm
Oxbridge inequality: Admissions data not 'whole story'
Student society warns reducing Oxbridge equality to 'political soundbites' can do harm.
26th October 2017 05:40pm
A Welsh MP launched a furious diatribe against universities after storming out of a meeting
"Vast numbers of people go off to university doing ludicrous degrees – surf studies, puppetry, media studies and the rest of it - not coming out being able to find work, wracking up thousands of pounds worth of debt and nobody’s any better off"
26th October 2017 03:46pm
100 Women: Noëlla Coursaris Musunka, school founder, DR Congo
Noëlla Coursaris Musunka, founder of Malaika school in DR Congo, wants girls to become African pioneers.
26th October 2017 11:51am
The 34 schools honoured for their excellence by watchdog Estyn
A rural primary and an inner city high school are among the best in Wales, according to Estyn.